Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Kathleen Porter Interview

Kathleen Porter Interview, Part 1

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Thoracic Spine Self Mobilization

T NATION | Quantifying the Farmer's Walk:

A more naturally extended thoracic spine is a "taller" spine that allows for a better "table" for the head and neck to function on, and better scapular positioning in retraction. This, in turn, helps the scapular stabilizers do their job more effectively, decreasing the chance of assuming a rounded shoulder position...

Improve cervical mobility while self-mobilizing the thoracic spine.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Hips Don't Lie: Fixing Your Anterior Or Posterior Pelvic Tilt

T NATION | Hips Don't Lie: Fixing Your Force Couples:

"So I'm sure you're wondering at this point, 'Damn, I'm in (anterior or posterior) pelvic tilt. How in the hell do I correct this?' Let's keep it real simple here. If you're in anterior tilt you want to:

• Strengthen the muscles that produce posterior tilt
• Lengthen the muscles that produce anterior tilt

On the flip side, if you're in posterior tilt you want to:

• Strengthen the muscles that produce anterior tilt
• Lengthen the muscles that produce posterior tilt

To keep it even simpler, depending on your pelvic position, you want to train your body to do the opposite!"