Thursday, January 06, 2011

Hips Don't Lie: Fixing Your Anterior Or Posterior Pelvic Tilt

T NATION | Hips Don't Lie: Fixing Your Force Couples:

"So I'm sure you're wondering at this point, 'Damn, I'm in (anterior or posterior) pelvic tilt. How in the hell do I correct this?' Let's keep it real simple here. If you're in anterior tilt you want to:

• Strengthen the muscles that produce posterior tilt
• Lengthen the muscles that produce anterior tilt

On the flip side, if you're in posterior tilt you want to:

• Strengthen the muscles that produce anterior tilt
• Lengthen the muscles that produce posterior tilt

To keep it even simpler, depending on your pelvic position, you want to train your body to do the opposite!"